Staying Warm On Cold Nights & In The Shower

Furnace Repairs / Hot Water Heaters

Furnace Repairs and Hot Water Heater Replacement

Modern furnaces have multiple “wear item” parts that simply fail every 3 to 5 years.

It’s like replacing tires on a car… if you drive the car, the tires will wear out and need replacement.

If you use your furnace regularly, there are parts that are going to “wear out” and fail, leaving you literally “out in the cold” without warning.

Fortunately, these electronics are not too expensive and not too difficult to change.

If your furnace suddenly stopped working, or if you’ve owned your furnace for 3 to 5 years and want to avoid having these “wear” items leaving you in the cold, we can help you.

Hot water heaters are also prone to wearing out over time.

Unfortunately, there’s not much to “fix” and these are usually replaced after they wear out.

Look or these tell tale signs that you need a new hot water heater:

  • Hot water runs out quickly
  • Hot water is not as "hot" as it used to be
  • You see "rust" around the tank (really bad)
  • Tank is leaking (emergency level bad)
  • Tank is 10+ years old

When you see or experience any of these signs, it’s time to replace your hot water heater before things go really bad and maybe even flood your house!